
Choosing to Preach: A Comprehensive Introduction to Sermon Options and Structures is unavailable, but you can change that!

With the landscape of ministry changing, preachers need a variety of tools to effectively communicate God’s truth to today’s listeners. Beginning with a strong call to keep preaching, this practical book presents and describes five different models for doing so, also relating each style to well-known contemporary preachers. Today, traditional forms of preaching are being scrutinized and...

places Paul had preached. Paul had traveled that whole map, and everywhere he went, he bore the scent of Jesus. Paul wasn’t always welcome. In some places he was greeted warmly, while in other places he barely escaped with his life. What was the difference? Did he preach well in one city and poorly in another? Maybe he hadn’t had a proper time of prayer that morning in Thessalonica. Perhaps he wasn’t always on his game. In fact, Paul’s problems had nothing to do with Paul at all. Paul preached the
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